I don’t know what it is, but fried wontons are something I just have to have every now and then. Out of all the fried little treats out there, they are definitely one of my favorites – along with fried calamari. But while I’m thinking about it, I should add that neither one comes close to the fried clams I grew up with in the Boston area – NOTHING tops that. But living in California for most of my life now, I’ve had to get used to the idea that I won’t get my favorite fried clams unless I’m in Boston for work or fun. So fried calmaria and wontons it is!
I recently posted my recipe for wonton soup and these wontons are made in the same way, with the same homemade skins and filling, except they are fried in oil.
Step 1. Roll the dough so it’s as thin as possible and cut into squares.
Step 2. Place small amount of filling in the center.
Step 3. Fold corner to corner.
Step 4. Fold top right corners backward and pinch together.
Step 5. Let the crunching begin! Enjoy!
Love that you made the wrappers from scratch…I am inspired!