Can I be honest? I know things aren’t going so great with me when I’m not taking the time to share recipes on my beloved blog. And it’s been a while since my last post. But here I am. Baking pumpkin scones. And sharing.
There’s a side of me that wants to write about what’s been going on, but I’m kind of still in the midst of getting over some hard stuff. And as I write these words I wonder if I’ll just keep going until I blurt it all out. I want to, but I don’t want to. I need to, but maybe I’m not ready.
So for now I’ll just share that this year I fell in love with the wrong person. And sadly, I can hear some of you saying, “Oh, that. I know that pain.” I wish none of us could relate. But I know I’m not alone.
I can’t say it’s the first time I’ve done that – fallen in the love with the wrong person, that is. But I do know that this time was deeper and profoundly more painful than I can ever recall. I’m still trying to understand why it’s more painful, but really the why almost never matters. Your heart doesn’t respond that much to why, does it? It just knows the what. Trust me, I’ve tried to reason with my heart. It doesn’t hear me. It’s broken in multiple places and it’s going to hurt.
I could write pages and pages about the details of my broken heart, but because this was intended to be a blog post about tender and moist pumpkin scones :), I’ll just say a few more things about going through letting go of something or somebody that you love, even if you love somebody or something that is not good for you.
How God Comforts in Times of Pain
As a believer in the Almighty God, I know where to find the truth. In Him and Him alone. I can say with all of my heart and all of mind, that the Holy Spirit has never led me astray. When I’m confused, I just get on my knees to pray. I just pour my heart out and cry as much and as messy as I need. I think God loves when we are honest, just like most good parents are willing to listen to the tearful confessions from our kids. I also take the time to read some simple truths in scripture that remind me who I am, whose I am, and where I am going in my life (and beyond). It’s very clear and very comforting.
But knowing the truth and even experiencing the truth doesn’t mean it’s easy to get past pain that is deep in one’s heart, whether it’s something that happened to you or something you brought on yourself through poor choices. What I’m learning, or re-learning, is that sometimes we just have to walk through the pain day-by-day, and even minute-by-minute until we are filled with enough truth and enough time for some of those broken pieces of your heart to mend.
It also helps to think back to previous times in my life when I’ve gone through really hard times to remember that God was there. And that He used those difficult times to mature me, and to make me stronger. I wish we didn’t have to go down such painful paths to be better, stronger and closer to God, but I know for me – it was always needed to wake me up. And I guess I’m not done learning. Are any of us?
So yes, I have some things to work on right now, but I’m so grateful to have a beautiful family that I am so thankful for, and that encourages me and makes me smile. T H A N K Y O U Jesus for them! And for precious friends, especially the sister types. What a gift our loved ones are! And for baking, yes baking can be so therapeutic! So here’s a good scone recipe for you, whether you have a broken heart like me or you just want a great scone recipe. haha…
About these Tender & Moist Pumpkin Scones
This might seem like just another pumpkin scone recipe. Not so fast! I mean, we all know that scones can be – among other things – dry, flavorless, too hard or too whatever.

But not these scones. These scones have a nice pumpkin spice flavor and they are moist and tender (just like their title suggests). 🙂 These scones are very simple to make, really moist, and require nothing more than a few minutes and a couple bowls.
Also, I don’t think you can have too many scone recipes. After all, there are so many kinds of scones with a variety of different ingredients and even flours, textures, fillings, shapes – and the list goes on. I have several scone recipes on Garlic Girl that I make often. You might also want to try these berry scones that have a nice crispy outer layer with a tender middle. Or if you prefer whole grain, these scones made with whole wheat might be good to try. These are especially easy because the batter is dropped onto the baking sheet.
Tender and Moist Pumpkin Scones
- 2 cups white whole wheat flour
- 1 Tbsp ground cinnamon
- 1/8 tsp freshly grated nutmeg or 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 1/8 tsp ground cloves
- 1/2 tsp ground ginger
- 2 Tbsp baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 3/4 cup brown sugar
- 7 Tbsp butter chilled
- 1/2 cup pumpkin puree
- 3/4 cup half and half
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1 egg For egg wash
- 1 tbsp heavy cream For egg wash
- 1 1/2 cups confectioner’s sugar
- 1-2 Tbsp water
- Heat oven to 400 degrees F.
- In mixing bowl, whisk together all dry ingredients (minus the powdered sugar – that's for the drizzle.
- In small mixing bowl, stir together pumpkin puree, half and half, vanilla. Set aside.
- Grate 3 tablespoons of the butter and cube 4 tablespoons of the remaining butter. Add butter to the dry mixture. With fingers, working quickly, work butter into the mixture by pressing butter with flour between thumbs and fingertips for about 2-3 minutes, until only small pea-sized pieces of butter remain visible.
- Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and pour pumpkin mixture inside. Stir gently with spatula until combined (about 30 seconds). If there is still loose flour, add a little more half and half and then knead gently (with hands) inside the bowl until mixture holds together.
- Turn mixture out onto lightly floured surface and form dough into 8-inch disk. It should be about an inch and a half thick.
- With floured knife, slice into 8 pieces (like a pie). Transfer pieces to parchment paper-lined baking sheet.
- In small bowl, whisk together egg and 1 Tbsp of heavy cream for egg wash. Brush tops of each scone.
- Bake for about 15 minutes until corners are light golden brown. Let cool.
- For drizzle, whisk together powdered sugar and water until thick and smooth. Pour into small plastic bag, snip tiny hole in corner and drizzle over scones.
- Makes 8 large scones.
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